Laurelhurst Market

Laurelhurst Market is a butcher’s shop and a “steakhouse-inspired brasserie,” which doesn’t exactly make it a vegetarian’s haven. But, hey, it’s my husband’s favorite and I’ve had plenty of good meals and particularly tasty salads here.

I just need to shower when I get home to get the meat smell out.

Servers will help you pick a selection of salad and sides. There should be enough flexibility for vegans and gluten-free eaters, but check the menu online ahead of time. Right now, in early spring, there’s a endive and citrus salad with roasted beets, a “harvest salad” with raw and grilled vegetables on greens, smoked oyster mushrooms, roasted baby carrots, roasted potatoes, mac and cheese, onion rings… I’ll bet you could make a decent meal out of that.

It’s been a while since I’ve been to Laurelhurst Market, but I do believe I did make one triumphant return after that one time I was nine months pregnant with low blood sugar and I cried for the first fifteen minutes of our anniversary dinner, freaking out the poor wait staff. Awwwkward. But hey! I’ll bet you have a better time than that, unless you have gestational diabetes, in which case: honey, check the menu ahead of time.

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