Van Hanh Vegetarian Restaurant

Who likes fake meat? *dum dum dum dum dum dum dum* We like fake meat! Van Hanh isn’t your “Portland vegan” typical vegan restaurant. Nope, it’s a Vietnamese non-profit restaurant run by friendly nuns. Most of the menu is made of meat analogues. If that’s your thing, you’ll be in heaven. If not, you’ll still probably find plenty to eat.

Just relax, be polite, and enjoy your lemongrass “chicken” made and served by Buddhist nuns and volunteers. Allow a little extra time — the service isn’t known for being fast. If you don’t speak Vietnamese, you might expect a little confusion with your order as well.

Van Hanh vegetarian restaurant in Portland, Oregon \ vegetarianPDX

I’ve never been there, but now it’s on my list.

8446 SE Division St.


Strangely enough (I joke) they don’t have a website, so check these out: